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Look what's around the church yard

Flower bed by the entrance
The previous owners planted lots of tulips right behind the house.
Flower bed

Tulips ready to bloom
Visitors are greeted with flowers as they enter the house.

Picnic table
This sturdy table sits on tree stumps between two shady apple trees.
Picnic table

We collected lots of blue berries from this bush to make a delicious fruit drink from a Russian recipe.

A small tree has just a few tart little cherries on it.

This one bush gave us almost 9 pounds of berries, which Ruth made into many jars of tasty Russian style jam.

Black currants
There are lots of berries on these few bushes - they are good for jam and fruit juice.
Black currants

Flowers bloom in turn
The previous owners planted different varieties of flowers so a new kind blooms just when the other ones are fading away. We have blooming flowers from May to November!
Flowers bloom

The yard has 6 apple trees. Our first season yielded about 150 pounds of apples! We made jam, pies, juice, cobbler, and more.